Your post should be three paragraphs.

For the first paragraph of your initial post select one of  the three scenarios below. Describe in detail how you would use your  knowledge of emotional intelligence to effectively reach a positive  outcome for all parties concerned.

  1. One of your direct subordinates comes to you visibly shaken and  tells you that a male coworker yelled at her and threatened to hit her  because she did not have a report completed on time. She states that the  male coworker has been stressed recently and he has been verbally  abusive to several other employees.

  1. Your boss, the department manager, is widely disliked by his staff  because of his abrupt and insensitive management style. He barks  directives without explanation, reasoning, or guidance, causing his  employees to feel fearful, underappreciated, and disrespected. Since you  work closely with him, your colleagues have approached you and asked  you to communicate their concerns to him.

  1. The vice president of your division calls you into her office to  give you the great news; you have been promoted to a senior management  post overseeing a new staff of 125 people. While this is a dream come  true for you, you are also feeling anxious, fearful, and insecure. The  vice president notices your emotions.

For the second paragraph of your post, select any one  of the following bullet points and address all elements of your chosen  bullet point. Select a different bullet point section than what your  classmates have already posted so that we can engage several discussions  on relevant topics. If all of the bullet points have been addressed,  then you may begin to re-use the bullet points with the expectation that  varied responses continue.

  • As organizations continue to adopt team-based work environments,  team leaders find themselves in somewhat counterintuitive roles,  expected to lead and also foster collaboration and equal participation  among team members.
    Describe either the best or worst team  experience you have had. What were the characteristics and mood of the  team? What were the team’s strengths and weaknesses? Did the team leader  guide, motivate, and support the efforts of the group? If so, how did  the team leader demonstrate these efforts? How would you have led the  team differently?

  • Mapes (2000) stated "The majority of 'leaders' remain blind to the  reason why their people resist change. It's FEAR. Everyone is frightened  of making a mistake . . . their fear makes them tense, worried about  upsetting the status quo, incurring the wrath of senior management, and  pressured into playing it safe" (p. 9). “Before leaders can tackle the  textbook elements of leadership, they must learn to break through  fear-based thinking and recognize that the role of leadership is about  continuous learning, relationships and constant self-renewal” (p. 9). 
     What comparisons can you make regarding fearless leadership and  emotional intelligence? How does the author’s description of fearless  leadership mimic the definition of resonant leadership?

    Mapes, J. (2000). Fearless Leadership. Executive Excellence, 17(12).

  • Life balance has become a popular theme in recent culture. Today,  boundaries between work and personal life have become blurred. What used  to be a normal 40-hour work-week has, in many cases, expanded to more  than 50 hours, leaving workers feeling stressed, overworked, and out of  balance. 
    Perhaps you have children, aging parents, or other  personal or family issues that require a significant amount of your time  and attention. How do these factors affect your life, productivity, and  attitude toward work? What does life balance mean to you? Are you  living a balanced life? Why or why not? How does living a balanced life  affect the role of a leader? How can the leader create balance within an  organization? What can you do to enhance the balance in your own life?

  • Practicing leadership with emotional intelligence can create  positive, sustainable relationships and lay the foundation for long-term  success.
    Propose your continuing action plan for learning to lead  with emotional intelligence. What key emotional intelligence quotient  (EQ) factors will you focus on for your personal and professional  development? What improvements have you noticed in your own performance  and professional relationships since the beginning of this course? Have  you received any feedback from your supervisors or peers? How did this  feedback affect you? As you reflect on your journey in this course, cite  examples wherever possible. Defend your perspectives.

The final paragraph (three or four  sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key  points that you are making in your initial response.

Justify your answers using examples and reasoning. 

Your posting should be the equivalent of 1 to 2 single-spaced pages (500-1000 words) in length.

Due by 8/8/24


1. Make certain to include in text citations from your course  text in addition to your outside leadership resources within your main  post. This adds credibility to your argument. [Textbook]: Katzenbach,  J.R., & Khan, Z. (2010). Leading outside the lines: How to mobilize  the informal organization, energize your team, and get better results.   San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Bass: 9780470589021

2. No plagiarism will be tolerated. Must be in 7th Edition APA format with cited sources within the last 5 years.

3. No AI support, score must be 0% and less than < 10% score on Turnitin